Thursday, March 28, 2013

Trying Out Gym

Today went to Sengkang Sports Recreation Center to try out their gym... =) Reason for me going to gym instead of park is because lately the air is very hazy... & also the weather is really really hot... So I decided to give Sk gym a try...

Paid $2.50 for the entry... Then sign in time of me entering the gym.. Place my bag in the locked... Then start to look out for treadmill.. Haha.. because my main purpose is to jog.. As My Second Marathon is only next week.. So I better get my butt & leg moving for some serious jog... =) Jog for 1hr... Feel tired... But nice.. Haha... Went to shower... The shower area is very clean... Water flow was good.. Is those turn on tap instead of the press ones u see in the swimming complex... Which is good...


Then head to mum place to pass some things to sis so that she can help to collect my race pack for me.. =)

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